



Natus is a tall young xaela man with an average muscular build. His hair colour is burgundy, and eyes magenta, with a slightly tanned skin tone. Natus often prefers to keep his sunglasses on his head even during the most bizarre situation.

His friends describe him as “a man with expensive taste”, wearing trendy outfits and designer shoes. His common colour scheme consists of either a dark blue or black coat and white undershirt. His favourite colour is pink.

At first glance, Natus appears to be a young man with an outgoing attitude, playful and extremely carefree.

Born in a wealthy politician family in the northern peaks of the Tail Mountains. Bitter at his family for treating him harshly throughout his life, he ran away to Eorzea in order to avoid seeing them ever again. Only claims that his parents were both deceased. Natus was said to be dependent on the affection and approval of those around him during his adolescence.

Natus is quite shrewd and fearlessly confident with his ability during combat. He tends to think quickly on his feet under any circumstance due to the habit of being previously employed as a bodyguard in Ul'dah. In spite of all, Natus has a tendency to be overly violent. He is more likely to brute force his way through to a solution in the most destructive way possible when faced with an obstacle. Naturally this often leaves him worse for wear, covered in bruises and bloody wounds.

With his charismatic and courageous personality, Natus is often surrounded by girls and young men who want to get his attention or get to know him more intimately, he usually strikes to be pretty flattered. He doesn't particularly mind having fun with them. In fact, Natus typically gets along well with his admirers and doesn't even turn most, if any, of them away. Though he isn't someone who would give them more than one night since ultimately he's not interested in any kind of dating let alone a long-term relationship.

Generally not being very good at hiding his thoughts, Natus is very expressive. He can easily convey emotions without saying a word, expressing his excitement through tone of voice, gestures, and tail movements.

Natus gets easily nervous if he finds a situation gets out of hand and thus out of direct control. He often ends up fumbling his words and making up very obvious lies, anxiety controls his body more than his brain does.

Naturally lacking enough Aether to sufficed his reckless combat style, Natus has to rely on consuming large amounts of food in high nutrition to support his life force.

Oak Wood

Oak Moss

Agar Wood

Earthy Note




Ancient Robe




Themis is a young man of small stature, slim to medium build. He has vibrant aquamarine eyes, and silver, shoulder-length hair that is neatly combed and bangs curling slightly inward at the side.

Themis dresses in a simplistic light grey robe goes all the way down, with swirl geometric patterns on the front. A white Amaurotine mask sits on top of his chest when he is not wearing it. His colour scheme is white and blue.

Being chosen as the seat of Elidibus at a young age, Themis deeply idolises his coworkers within the Convocation of Fourteen. He sees them as his close family members, especially the seat of Azem.

Themis exhibits to be an intelligent person and a very competent thinker. He has demonstrated having the ability to quickly learn and utilise new skills during combat inside the Pandæmonium. He is able to make important decisions without hesitation and see them through to the very end, even in the face of pain and tragedy. Despite this, he still fails to understand basic phrases at times, unable to register common knowledge such as death and rebirth.

Themis prioritises his work over any personal feelings, leading to people imagining him being not interested in committing any sort of romantic relationship. His polite and diplomatic nature tends to attract many admirers with older age.

Themis often speaks the same line twice towards the end of a sentence to emphasise his emotions.




Earthy Note

Fern and Moss

Black Agar Wood

Quotes & Reference

Every reference image was done by photoshop. MOD 🞭

This place is just for various commission references for artists.
